29 August 2006

MacBook Update No.1...

Ok. I know it's only been one day since I actually ordered the MacBook, but I felt it was time for an update. My RAM has already arrived. The one piece which I thought wouldn't for a while has, and in quite spectacular style. The box is simply huge compared to the actual RAM.

Also when I looked at the order status I have a mystery fourth item, which is strange. From what I understand it seems to be some sort of three year warranty, like Applecare, but without the phone support. The strange thing is that there is no mention of this anywhere on the Apple site, let alone on the entire internet...

28 August 2006

Apple MacBook Arriving Soon...

It's official, I'm getting a MacBook!!! Well actually I've got a MacBook - it just hasn't arrived yet, and won't for about a week or two. Oh well, isn't there something like 'good things come to those that wait?' So I'm getting a middle of the range model, with an 80GB hard drive (which brings it in line with the top standard configuration model, though it's white, and I'm not paying up to £100 more for black!!!). Then I'm upgrading the RAM myself to - 2GB. Sweet, this thing is gonna fly.

Now I've just got to learn an entire new operating system. I'm a bit annoyed that it's arriving in term time, so I won't really have time to play with it properly. Though it does give time for the other bits to come, like RAM and other stuff. I guess I'll have to wait, or maybe my iPod nano (2GB for £18!!!) might ship early...

25 August 2006

The NEW Solar System.

Cue the music. We have a NEW solar system. There are now twelve 'objects', better rewrite the textbooks then...

24 August 2006

Pluto Ain't A Planet!

My mood this morning I think was best reflected in the weather. It was raining. There, so in a nutshell I wasn't feeling too good. I went in got my results, I'm happy. Yes, they could have been better, also they could have been worse but I'm pleased with them. Overall (counting last years statistics GCSE) I got five A*s, five As and two Bs. The one I am most pleased with is French. A'B'. Wow. I am amazed, possibly more is amazing is the breakdown of each part, I was graded 'a' for the speaking part. How??? I really messed up the speaking part I thought.

So I guess I managed to get back in. I needed roughly four As and four Bs. I got ten 'A' and above grades. So the pressure is off a bit, until A levels that is. Then (hopefully) university, then FREEDOM. Oh wait, I need to find a job. So no, the pressure is never really off.

In other news Pluto is now officially not a planet. Man, I feel sorry for that planet, sorry, no, for that 'thing'. So our Physics textbook was wrong, I can't remember correctly but now my Physics paper is also possibly wrong. Well it doesn't matter now, I got my double A* for the sciences...

23 August 2006

Crunch Time.

Ok, so I'm back home now after my week or so in Scotland. Less than twelve hours away from getting my results, I hope I did ok...

21 August 2006

Typical WiFi...

Continuing along the line of previous posts - I haven't posted in a while. Well I have good reason this time, firstly I'm sort of on holiday in Scotland and secondly dial up is rubbish. Well I'm at my grandmothers and she (surprise, surprise) doesn't have broadband which I can get anytime I fancy, so I'm stuck on measly dial up. Well actually no, someone nearby has WiFi and I'm just out of range inside the house, but I can get it outside. Damn thick stone walls!!! So at the moment I am sitting outside in the garden on my laptop, wearing a coat and getting strange looks from people walking on the pavement.

It's getting quite cold now so I might stop. Anyway I will have to go home soon, cos well, something about results day? Damn, it's has come round too soon. I swear like only a few weeks ago I was doing my two Drama essays. Well I hope I get good grades, if not I'll be annoyed. If not, Tesco nightshift it is. Well I damn hope I get the grades...

11 August 2006

Airport Meltdown.

I haven't posted in a while. It's taken a while to recover from the WWDC. What a let down. Well since then there has been like a complete airport meltdown. Apparently (and I say that because no one it seems has seen any proof - yet) some people were planning on blowing up about ten planes in the air, and now well, you can't take anything on board a plane with you anymore.

Ok, you can take some stuff, but it has to be in a clear bag and no electrical stuff. What??? No phones, no laptops, no music players, no cameras. How will I survive? I guess I could just about survive on in flight entertainment, but I don't want to trust my laptop in my suitcase. It's gonna get chucked around and smashed. Damn...

07 August 2006

Oh. How Boring...

What a let down. Nothing really exciting released. No iPhone. No new iPods. There was a new Power Mac, sorry, Mac Pro (WTF???) that went from this:

To this:

It is quite an upgrade though internally, though it looks pretty much the same (bar a few ports and a second drive bay/slot/flap). It blows the Power Mac that we have at school out of the water. Then again it is a measly 1.8GHz G5, and this is two dual core 3GHz Xeons. There was also a 'sneak peek' at Leopard, which has some interesting features like a backup program, called 'Time Machine' (WTF???), and you can chat to people and have them see you with a picture or video background without blue/green screen. Cool. But why? Why would I actually need to use this? Hmmm...

06 August 2006

WWDC Imminent...

It is almost here. The WWDC is less than twenty four glorious hours away. Not that it will really affect me, but you never know, Leopard may be released, I may get a MacBook, hopefully with Leopard. I say this because there is yet another banner, this time proclaiming Leopard to be 'Vista 2.0'. Ouch.

Maybe. I dunno. Well I'll find out by tomorrow. Probably all hype for nothing. I was at Heathrow this morning, sending my Dad to America again for business. He might bring me back something, I dunno, I like a MacBook? Well I still haven't told him, but I have left massive hints. In other news Jenson Button has finally won a Grand Prix, after about a million or so attempts. I don't want to spoil his victory in anyway, but I think the fact that pretty much everyone else broke down or spun off had something to do with it. Anyway roll on the WWDC, I can almost taste it...

05 August 2006

Eleanor Rigby.

Woooooooooo!!! They read out my email on Buzz Out Loud again! It also seems like they agree with what I put, which if you cared was about an 'iPod monopoly' and inevitable the EU. Well I'm chuffed (again).

Another stint in the charity shop as well. I elected myself to be on the till by saying "I don't mind what I do." It's getting much better know, I actually seem to remember which buttons to punch. It also seems like my 'glue fix' with the till worked. Well it was attached today, and well, I had made a bit of a mess of it, with glue like everywhere.

I decided to 'splash out' on a CD for myself. Well I was torn between a 'The Cardigans' album and a 'The Beetles' one. I chose the latter, mainly because of 'Eleanor Rigby' which is a really strange song. I also got the whole 'Little Britain' first series for £2. Sweet. In the words of Tom Baker, I must go now...

04 August 2006

You've Come To The Right Platform.

Well the rumour mill is certainly in full swing. There are loads more pictures of possible Apple products. One question though. Why do people do this? Anyway there are a couple more pictures of the 'suspicious' banner.

Ok, the first one doesn't really show that much, apart from a welcome message.

The second one doesn't show much, but then there are three boards hanging from the ceiling which are covered up. What are on those boards? Only three or so days to go until we find out...

03 August 2006

Roll On August 7th!

Continuing with the last posts theme, my plans may change (again?) after August 7th. That's when the Apple World Wide Developer Conference is happening, and they may introduce new products. So I will definitely wait until then before making any definite decisions. Well as usual before 'rumoured product announcements' there are pictures floated around the web of possible new products, such as an Apple phone:

Well you never know, a possible Christmas present? Well there is also a banner from where the conference is to be held, more secrets revealed?

Hmmmm. Not really then. Roll on August 7th...

01 August 2006

Getting Better And Better.

I saw something interesting on the Apple site this morning:

It used to be America only, but today they introduced it in the Uk too. So now (assuming I don't get a firm "No.") I could either get a heavily discounted iPod Nano or get one then sell it on eBay. Oh decisions, decisions...