B Grade = Stupid.
10 days to the start of Year 10 Exams.
92 days to the end of term.
243 days to Christmas.
First off was Physics, which was a joke. Mr Birke first got himself into a hole by saying that he expected everyone to get at least an "A" grade in the actual GCSEs and basically said that as we are all so talented at getting into the school we MUST get a least an "A" or else we were stupid. He later changed his mind and blamed it on his OLD age. He's not that old, more upper middle aged. Mr Eric Crook/Mr Crook/Dr Crow (delete as applicable) is OLD. Then we spent the next half an hour mucking around with circuits at the 3v which he said to do it at, only later to admit that on the sheet it said 6v for some of them. Stupid fool.
Then Maths which was as Imbush described, "A very dull lesson." That really sums it up.
Finally English came round, and as I have predicted we were split into four groups and FORCED to plan for a essay to be completed at a later date. Our title was just plain stupid, basically it was to say that the feud between the two families was important. Then after half an hour of planning we had to share plans with other groups, which was odd as why should they care about our plan if they are doing a different essay?!? Then I asked her what the point was if they are not doing the same essay and she just had a blank face and said that it is good revision. YES! Of course how could I be so stupid? Planning for essays which we will never do is good revision! Whatever. And guess what we are doing tomorrow? A timed essay to be peer marked!!! Basically she doesn't want to teach us and cannot be bothered to mark the work which we do!!!
Last thing was Geography which was not that bad. We spent the last bit just chatting and not actually doing anything.
So on the first day back we didn't really do anything. Oh well...